17 May 2008

and work continues on....

Many of you know my work "situation"....extension and after extension with no true definitive answers about how long Office Depot will remain on Camp Pendleton. Well, we received another extension (30 days with 3 'option' months)....surprise, surprise! Don't get me wrong I feel and know that I am truly blessed. God's working this situation out, learning me during this time and hopefully I am growing in His presence. Something worth mentioning...back east Office Depot received the award from GSA (a government entity that will eventually be running all USMC supply stores) for both the Camp LeJeune and Albany stores. So....when GSA is ready to come into Camp Pendleton and take over, it is highly likely that Office Depot (me!) will still be working there...unless God has another direction for me? That is comforting news, not only for myself but my current staff as well (which is too small...so I humbly ask for prayers that God brings me more employees to run the store)! We are a tight-knit crew and I love them all!


  1. I'm so excited to see a fellow Snoodle online with me! Or am I with you?! Who knows... I'm excited about your blog-except for the bottom picture. Not a big fan of that one! Buuuuut on the other hand, it IS your page!
    Love you, Sweetie!

  2. One more comment for you right now: are you good at this thing? I just typed something tasty up, then tried to edit, and could never figure out how to then post it. Sounds like one of my typical "user-errors". I ended up retyping everything. So maybe someday when you're skilled (and today could be that day o'skill) just maybe you could show me some tricks? You're the best ;)
