16 June 2008

An adventure with Herbert...

Timmery affectionately named this bug on her windshield (yesterday), "Herbert". I'm not sure why, but the name seemed to fit at the time? Herbert decided to take rest on an unsuspecting, newly cleaned windshield...the one attached to Timmery's car that is! We were getting ready to go home/duplex/apt. hunting and this little guy wanted to give his wings a rest and so......he landed. Little did he know, he was in for an adventure...one at times in excess of 70 mph!

We took off...leaving the gated community where his rest was supposed to begin. Little Herbert had his six feet (or so I think there were only six) firmly planted to the glass! We made our way into the fast moving street - it was hard for Timmery to stay focused on the road and not on Herbert. We slowed down to take a corner, all the while affixed is our attention on a bug not bigger than my fingernail, just below the area (approximately 3-5 inches) where those reminder oil change stickers go.

"Hang tight little buddy!" About a mile down the road and we've reached speeds of 50-55 mph just to stop and hit the breaks for a stoplight. Still there. We wait patiently, watching his every move. He begins to rub his back legs together then the middle set. He walks in circles for a bit. Is he dizzy, I wonder? "He's got great aerodynamics"...the wind hasn't phased him one bit! I think he's been lulled into a false sense of "this is finally over"...but off we go again...the light has turned green and the pedal is to the metal!

We approached the freeway at Center City Pkwy and the 78. It's going to be the freeway where he's a goner, or so I thought? We've gone at least 70 mph....probably more, Herbert even surfed through the hairpin loop, the one to hop on 15-S. This is one tough bug! We reach our off ramp and drive down the road a bit, getting stuck at another red light. Our outside passenger is still with us. Once we pulled into the apt. complex and parked...car completely off...Herbert flew away and didn't look back! We traveled with Herbert for 4 miles and it was sad to see him go....

11 June 2008

S.W.E.E.T.(ly) said...

Last night seemed to be a "hit"! It was the last night of our women's small group gathering (from church) before the summer session begins and goes co-ed at the beach in Oceanside. The last five weeks or so, each of the girls led an evening....it was leader's choice. One night we watched someone's favorite movie - About A Boy, another - we spent time "being still" before God by meditating and reflecting on our own hearts, then there was an episode of VeggieTales - what's not to love about Snoodles?, then there was game night - pictionnary & guess your famous identity! Last night Sarah and I shared the lead and mixed words with candy! You might ask how the two relate?

To begin: S.WE.E.T. stood for "Sincere Words Everbody Enjoys (to be) Told! It was an evening fillled with sweet words and sweet treats! All who attended brought their favorite candy to share(but didn't know why)! I could have opened a small candy store with all that we had on hand. Everyone drew a name, secretly, and had to write "Words of Affirmations" for that person. Fifteen minutes were given and this was done in two rounds. Since Sarah and I were leaders, we prepared our "SWEET words" in advance for everyone who attended (we didn't restrict ourselves to only two women). I think that made it more personal and allowed us to reflect on each special woman there that has touched our hearts in one way or another.

Everyone was given two sheets of paper with the title and explanation of S.W.E.E.T.(ly) said. They were to use these sheets for whoever's name they drew and begin telling that person kind words that they see in them...all this was done in secret. We didn't sign the sheets, we only collected them and divvied them to their correct owners... just in case, people were shy! I think we know each other well enough, that we were able to figure out who wrote what? :-)

After we all wrote, we took some moments to read what other's wrote to us/about us. I think this is something we could implement in future get-togethers? Who doesn't smile when they read something positive about themselves...that someone you know has written them...just for you? It was a special night. Did I mention that my love language is "Words of Affirmation"? It's ironic, because I am lousy with words...but I love being on the receiving end...when they are kind words!